Hailey Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum on the adoption of the Hailey Neighbourhood Plan
- A referendum will be held on Thursday 29 August 2019 to decide the following question:
“Do you want West Oxfordshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hailey to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
2. The hours of the poll will be from 7 am to 10 pm.
3. The situation of the polling station and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling Station: Village Hall, Middletown, Hailey, OX29 9UA
Station Number: 1
Range of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat: GO-1 to GO-920
Dated: Monday 19 August 2019
Keith Butler
Counting Officer
Please click on the links below for the latest on the Emerging Hailey Neighbourhood Plan (HNP):
Hailey Neighbourhood Plan – FINAL
Examiners report – Hailey Neighbourhood Development Plan (March 2019)
Hailey Neigbourhood Plan Referendum Information Statement
Responses to the Regulation 16 Consultation (January 2019)
Previous Reports and Statements:
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report
Hailey Neighbourhood Plan 29th August 2018 – submission to WODC version
HNP – Basic Conditions Statement
HNP Consultation Statement June 2018
Consultation Responses to SEA on Neighbourhood Plan
Consultation on Strategic Environmental Assessment (1st May – 6th June 2018)
Strategic Environmental Assessment Report – April 2018
Summary of responses to Neighbourhood Plan consultation
Infrastructure Development Plan (updated February 2018)